Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Discussion on Inspiration and Motivation..!!

    • Namasthe Chachu
    • What is the difference between MOTIVATING, INSPIRING, INFLUENCING???
    • motivation can be tangible. (material) inspiring is non-tangible . Influencing is like forcing.. not volunteer.

    • means?????????
    • that is materai
    • money
    • etc..
    • people say that so and so person has motivated me a lot...
    • that means he or she has helped him materially?
    • mother motivates kid by gifts..
    • master inspires the student by his vision / words..
    • some people can also motivate others by words right?
    • yep
    • needy client influence the officer by bribing
    • motivation is low level than inspiration
    • okay...
    • motivation is direct.. inspiration is by hear tooo
    • so that means inspiration stays for a longer time when compared to motivation?
    • so inspiration will have a greater effect..
    • ?
    • His life autobiography has influenced me a lot..
    • *His autobiography has influenced me a lot..
    • people use these words in all possible combinations..
    • i said the best use..
    • okay..
    • wat is the difference between influence
    • and impact
    • ?
    • influence may or may not have impact.. impact is more philosophical..
    • so influence is forcible so lasts for a shorter time.. where as impact has a long lasting effect?
    • so that means we could say... Inspiration will have an impact right?

    • yes
    • u learned it !!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Discussion on Truth and Fact..!!

    • Chachu God a Fact or a Truth ?
    • Yes.... I argued the same with my Papa for a long time... he was not agreeing. He was saying that God is a Faith... u can't take example of God in defining Truth...

    • he is true.
    • truth is the impression..
    • that is what one has as absolute in him.
    • Chachu but as i have faith in God... God is a truth for me right?
    • so truth depends on individual na?
    • like something i may believe it as Truth but others may not
    • truth is definite..
    • but all may not know that..
    • death is definit..
    • eating makes one to survive..
    • survive is fact
    • death is truth.
    • death is a fact right?
    • but none thinks of death ..
    • how could that be truth?
    • death is not fact.. it is truth
    • death is sure to happen...
    • as it is definite / absolute
    • yes..
    • so which is definite is Truth?
    • yes
    • permanent is truth
    • temporary is fact..
    • eating will survive is temporary..
    • So is the feelings which get a fact or a truth?
    • *which we get
    • that is fact..
    • but firm feelings that are tested by time.. that i am aware of death..
    • so death is truth..
    • not feeling..
    • i realized as fact..
    • okay...
    • we have Manas
    • is that a fact
    • or a Truth
    • ?
    • as long as u realize ..
    • and identify with thoughts as manas.. will understand it is truth
    • so could we take Fact as something which we could prove?
    • as we could realize truth... but may not be able to prove it..