Saturday, February 4, 2012

2012-HP (SUMMER Holidays) plans !

Dr T P SASIKUMAR is an MSc, MPhil, PhD, LLB, MBA, MS(Psychotherapy & Counseling)
Ø CONSULTANT / ADVISOR (EDUCATION), Kurumba Trust, Corporate Social Responsibility Project of SOBHA Developers, Palakkad, Kerala
Ø DEPUTY DIRECTOR (Principal Director), Directorate General of Security, Cabinet Secretariat, New Delhi
Ø DIRECTOR, UGC - Academic Staff College, Calicut University
Ø SECTION HEAD – Training, Organizational Development, Photolab, Map Image Library & Data Acquisition Archival and Production, ADRIN, Secunderabad
o Advanced Data Processing Research Institute, Secunderabad
o Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad,
o Program Planning & Project Management, ISRO-HQ, Bangalore
Ø RESEARCH SCHOLAR, UGC-Departmental Special Assistance Scheme in Fluid Mechanics, Department of Mathematics, Bangalore University, Bangalore
DrTPS is a Space Scientist, Educationalist, Science Communicator, Writer, Life/ Soft - Skill Trainer, Public Speaker, Psychotherapist, Meditation Master, Spiritual Director. AUTHOR of LIFE of LOVE, LIFE made SIMPLE, ADAPTIVE Learning & a few other books. Apart from Being in Advisor and Mentor of many activities, Visiting Faculty in Various Institution is the CHAIRMAN of FIDCO & S H I K S H A- International Institute of Advance Academics, Soft Skill and Life Learning
DrTPS has conducted many motivational / Educational / Recruitment Trainings-Workshops across India and Abroad. Has the Credit of Teaching more than 6 lakhs of Students and more than 3 Lakhs of Teachers. 24 hours long Sessions, 3800 Students, 3000 Teachers and more than 25 thousands Public in single sessions are his extra ordinary credits.
DrTPS – Shiksha - HOLIDAY SESSION – Introduction : DrTPS is in a mission of Creating YOUTH with Vision and Higher Goals. As part of this He is into Holiday Sessions. 2011 April in Irinjalakuda, Kerala and in May in Hyderabad. Holiday Sessions in Hyderabad continued during week-ends. See the details on BLOGS on Internet under SHIKSHA Holiday Program.
Students are lead through many activity based learning. Sessions were through Workshops, Conferences, Informal Sessions, Visiting Villages, Camps, in Fort, in Train, at temple, Gurudwara, PARK etc.
2012-HP is being planned to organize at Chennai, Vizag, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Kerala.
In OUR City : It is proposed to have a WEEK-LONG holiday session for YOUTH (age 18 to 25). Could include age of 13 to 30 based on keen interest. It is proposed to Conduct session from morning till evening for 7 days in a prime location. The Hall will have movable chairs to support group activity etc. Topics covered will be the following
Goal Setting made easy.
Time and Activity Management
Controlling Stress and avoiding Tension.
Creating Innovative Minds.
Enhancing Personality.
Building up Self-Confidence
Empowering yourself Effectively
Exam writing made easy
Increase your memory power
Unleash your potential
Reclaim your Inner beauty
Secrets to Everlasting Success.
Redefining Learning
Being Responsible
Enhancing Healthy Practices and life styles
Relaxation Exercises and Breathing Techniques
Nominal fee @ Rs.1000/= to @ Rs. 2000/= will be collected from the participants. It is expected to have a group of 100 members. Food and other arrangements will be taken care of the local organizers.
Your response in the following format may please be communicated to……………………………….

Like to nominate the following members and prefers to have the session at …………… ……………… ………… …………… …………. (show your suggestion of location) during ……… ……………… ………… …………… …………………… ………… (show your period of preference preferred in MAY).
Student of
Contact Details …………….


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