Wednesday, July 13, 2011


SHIKSHA is a Trust registered in Hyderabad in 2010. International Institute for Advanced Academics (I2A2) is the Formal Higher Education Institution under SHIKSHA. Educational Programs in India through Certificate / Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma through Research and E-Learning Programs under SHIKSHA- I2A2.

TEACHERS Training is the Focus of SHIKSHA as most of the learning centers in India find difficulty in committed / dedicated / passionate teachers. INNER is committed to identify teachers from the enrolled students for various programs in different centers across the country. Five Diploma will give the CERTIFIED INNER Trainer Status.

International Institute for Soft Skill and Life Learning (I2S2 S2) is keen in supplementing the required personal and professional enhancement capacities. Creating Self Development through various programs to achieve the highest positions in Life. Corporate Recruitment Training Sessions are arranged for preparing students towards job.

Prepare eligible people for ALL INDIA SERVICE. Registered candidates for the Diploma / Masters are by default are the possible candidates for the All India Service Exams. It is run as a residential full time session.

THREE MONTHS Crash Orientation Session for Orienting for preparation is given to students after plus two and graduation. This shall enable them to get motivation and Give the long term preparation / Initiating towards the Competitive Exams.

Higher level Continuity maintenance Sessions shall be followed in every year for the Younger youths till they are eligible for the Competitive Exams.

SOCIAL CRAFT FOUNDATION is involved in Research in identifying STEP TOWARDS REBUILDING (RESTRUCTURING / REGAINING) INDIA through Non-Political / Non-Religious / Youth Regeneration Development Movement focusing on EDUCATION. Regional RRF (Regional resource Forum) will focus on localized resource mapping and Define / Design / Plan Action on Educational Requirements.

SUMMER SESSIONS (SS) is a FIVE-WEEK SESSION who are into GRADUATION. FIRST BATCH is starting from MAY 2011. Main Broad AIM of SS is to re-design education system via cross compartment working in a systematized approach and to produce integrated learning required for national re-construction.

LEARNING PHILOSOPHY is making the feel confident on the subject. STUDENTS ARE ENROLED ON SUMMER PROGRAMS IN AREAS OF THEIR SUBJECTS in academic learning. This is to help them to enhance existing strength in subject and select the specialization to feel more confident in their choice of SUBJECT / Specific TOPIC that may lead to a PG Diploma later in the chosen topic.

SCHEDULE: The Summer Program shall have two days of ORIENTATION SESSION followed by five days of BASIC COURSE. Twenty one days of self / group learning shall end with a week-long interactive session of presentation / evaluation / certification.

ADD-ON SUMMER SESSIONS (AOSS) is a FIVE WEEK SESSION for those who have finished SS. This is to help the students after SS to move horizontally to other fields-under interactive guidance / Peer Group Learning under Expert Supervision.

LATERAL ENTRY: Primarily for students who have successfully completed the summer program, but may be on exceptional basis be open to other candidates THROUGH LATERAL ENTRY TEST ON subject UNDERSTANDING TEST.

FOCUS: Will focus on projects involving inter-disciplinary working between two or more of the teams from the summer programs.

CERTIFICATION will be strictly on quality of the presentation and the test on understanding from the learning. Chances are given to repeat to present the candidate for evaluation subsequently.

CREDIT: SS and AOSS will add credit for the DIPLOMA / PG Entry / Faculty Selection of UOM / SHIKSHA Institutions / Programs.


- Creating a just, equitable and caring society through empowerment of the marginalized and underprivileged based on the principles of humanism, equality and social justice.

- To help the marginalized and the underprivileged gain confidence, build competence and achieve excellence in all spheres of human endeavor, for their social, cultural and economic development through education, training, research, and consulting.



Why interested in this course

Why in OUR Institute

What is your Background

What is your aim




5 Months – DIPLOMA

12 Months – PG DIPLOMA

Certified INNER Trainer (5 Diplomas)


S01. Indian Heritage

S02. Indian History

S03. Indian Geography

S04. Indian Civics and Politics

S05. Astrology


S07. Healing / Therapies

S08. Psychotherapy

S09. Media Communication

S10. GeoPolitics

S11. Alternate Health Systems

S12. Spirituality / Meditation / Yoga

S13. Indian Mythology

S14. Cosmology

S15. Anthropology

S15. Corporate Social Responsibility

S16. Teaching / Learning Technology

S17. Soft Skill / Life Skill

S18. Food & Health

S19. Environment & Sustainable Development

S20. Management

Dr T P Sasikumar


Former - Space Scientist, Director of UGC-ASC and Deputy Director at cabinet Secretariat.

Acclaimed Trainer, Writer and Academician, Spiritual Director and Meditation master

C K Kutty

Former Head-P& G, ISRO

Pradeep Nambiar

HR Expert

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