Friday, November 12, 2010

Enginnering ./ Management STUDENT PROJECT

@Career development training -
resume writing, internship search skills, interviewing, and
navigating career

@Cultivation of professional skills -
networking, presentation and interpersonal
communication skills

@Opportunities for finding a summer internship
or research experience

*Engineering involves developing innovative

solutions to benefit humanity

*Engineering is essential to our health

happiness and safety

*Engineers devise creative solutions to


*They design products and technologies to

improve our quality of life

*Engineers shape our future

identifying design problems,

organizing ideas, developing

data representations

choosing materials, debating with teammates, deciding on a course of action, testing designs, assessing failures
generating new ideas, designing solutions, hypothesizing what will happen, constructing models, redesigning models

*Engineering activities help students answer the age old question “When will I ever use that?”
*Engineering activities let students experience hands-on application of concepts learned in other subjects which may enhance understanding1
*Engineering activities allow teachers to become facilitators of knowledge in the learning process by allowing their students to work collaboratively on student driven, inquiry based problems
*Engineering activities foster students’ creativity and innovation by encouraging students to:
brainstorm ideas
develop novel solutions to open-ended problems
examine a problem from numerous angles
work collaboratively
predict what will happen
test and experiment
reflect on successes and failures
communicate results

*Students can work in small groups
*Students can be assigned

different roles such as planner, materials

manager, budgeter, builder

*To design effective solutions students need to listen to the ideas of others


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