Friday, December 16, 2011

SHIKSHA Best Learner Award - 2011

SHIKSHA Best Learner Award - 2011

SHIKSHA Best Learner Award - 2011

SHIKSHA Best Learner Award - 2011



A little more burden on you, please.

All my students' who had the benefit of learning through various sessions (Class / Workshops / Talk / Interaction) are encouraged to send a one to two page (2 space - font 12 - A4 size - word file ) brief on their learning.

Many of the games / activities had inner meaning / lessons to learn. At times it is explained explicit; many a times, it is left without saying. The writeup is expected to record the benefits and changes that the individual got from the session.

SUBMIT IT ON OR BEFORE 22nd December 2011, THURSDAY (email -

This is to decide on the SHIKSHA Best Learner Award - 2011 Certificate and Cash Award.

A few selected may be called for an oral presentation on 25th SUNDAY Morning followed by the AWARD Presentation.



Saturday, November 26, 2011

111126 HP-EFIL- Durga Anusha - PRATHIBHA-AWARD

for Excellence in Learning, Documentation, Creativity & Youth Coordination

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Discussion on Inspiration and Motivation..!!

    • Namasthe Chachu
    • What is the difference between MOTIVATING, INSPIRING, INFLUENCING???
    • motivation can be tangible. (material) inspiring is non-tangible . Influencing is like forcing.. not volunteer.

    • means?????????
    • that is materai
    • money
    • etc..
    • people say that so and so person has motivated me a lot...
    • that means he or she has helped him materially?
    • mother motivates kid by gifts..
    • master inspires the student by his vision / words..
    • some people can also motivate others by words right?
    • yep
    • needy client influence the officer by bribing
    • motivation is low level than inspiration
    • okay...
    • motivation is direct.. inspiration is by hear tooo
    • so that means inspiration stays for a longer time when compared to motivation?
    • so inspiration will have a greater effect..
    • ?
    • His life autobiography has influenced me a lot..
    • *His autobiography has influenced me a lot..
    • people use these words in all possible combinations..
    • i said the best use..
    • okay..
    • wat is the difference between influence
    • and impact
    • ?
    • influence may or may not have impact.. impact is more philosophical..
    • so influence is forcible so lasts for a shorter time.. where as impact has a long lasting effect?
    • so that means we could say... Inspiration will have an impact right?

    • yes
    • u learned it !!